Children's Ministry

Jesus placed special value on the children by saying, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

Matthew 19:14 (NIV)

Pastor Kathy leads our children’s ministry with a passion to implant in their hearts the love of the Lord Jesus at an early age.  She enjoys creating an environment for the kids that is fun and exciting, and she helps equip them to develop their own relationship with Jesus.  We invite you to bring your children, and let them experience how enjoyable church can be.

Nursery: Newborn – 3 years old

Our nursery staff are trained care providers who love to minister to and care for babies and toddlers.  We believe that they are not too little to be taught about the love of Jesus.  As a parent, you can have confidence that your little ones will be well cared for while you enjoy the teaching in the adult service.

Nursery is provided Sunday mornings at the 10:00 AM service.

Kingdom Kids: 3 years – 5th grade

Kingdom Kids are learning that following Jesus is fun and exciting and brings a life full of joy.  Each week they will be taught Bible lessons using a variety of media types.  The kids of NBFC love coming to church because it’s interactive and fun, and they are discovering their own relationship with Jesus.  We are teaching and training our kids how to live powerful, victorious lives no matter their age.

Kingdom Kids meet Sunday mornings at the 10:00 AM service and Wednesday evenings at 7 PM. Kingdom Kids classrooms are divided into the following age groups: 3 years – Kindergarten and 1st – 5th grade.




Sunday 10:00 AM (Livestream at 10:30 AM)
Wednesday 7:00 PM (Livestream at 7:15 PM)